Before Investing money you will want to be sure you have enough money in a secure place for any unforeseen circumstances. If you have money to invest and once you are happy you have enough resources to cater for your family’s needs then investing with Jonathan McDonnell QFA is the next step.
Recently, I was at a seminar and I learned that when it comes to investing money, over 40% of people will go to Google before going to an investment advisor. For me, that was a scary statistic! There are so many investment advisors much more qualified than Google to help you! Take advise from your financial advisor and if you don’t have one, that’s where we can help.
The steps involved when you have money to invest are as follows:
- Meet with us to discuss your thoughts on Investments
- Define your attitude to risk, to make sure any recommendations we have are suitable for you – Take the attitude to risk questionnaire now
- Decide how long you wish to invest your money for
- Structure a Plan that you are happy with
- Press Go
Investing with Jonathan McDonnell QFA, means you can choose an investment to suit your specific needs and receive expert and qualified advice. Here we listen when you say… ‘Make My Money Grow’
Some handy tips when looking at Investments for you are:
- You should always look to beat inflation: This holds the value of your money
- Diversify your money: A well spread portfolio ensures you spread any risk
- Realise that Investing is not a bad thing: Think about why you feel good or bad towards investing
- Time is always your friend: Remember how long you want to invest for and don’t worry about a rising or falling market if you have a long time to go to the maturity of your investment.
Our Promise
Jonathan McDonnell, Qualified Financial Advisor is committed to providing excellent customer service to you at all times from the moment you meet with us to discuss your investment, throughout the time you invest with us.